The best crepes in the world are made with goose eggs. Richer than hen’s eggs, they add a wonderful taste and color to the crepe batter that just can’t be beat.

So when my neighbor gives me goose egs, I make crepes.

500 grams flour

1 liter milk

2 goose eggs (or 6 regular eggs)

4 tablespoons sugar

4 table spoons vegetable oil

2 teaspoons salt

1/4 cup beer or white wine (I add this to make the batter lighter, but you don’t have to. Some people like to add a dash of rum for flavor. My friend Andrea adds grated orange or lemon peel, and that’s really yummy too!)

Mix well – let stand about an hour, then heat and oil crepe pans. Have a pan of water boiling with a plate on it and a piece of aluminum foil. (As you make each crepe, put it on the plat and cover with foil – this will keep them hot without drying them.)

My son makes the crepes. I can make the batter, but I can’t cook them, for some reason!